Don't Pass
Here's my method of play:
Go to a table with very few people (looking for a cold table).
Make a DP bet then lay single odds. Keep betting on that shooter until he:
a) makes his point 2 times without throwing any naturals (7 or 11)
b) or rolls a natural, followed by any combination of 2 more naturals or 2 more points (for a total of 3 losses).
The idea is to stop betting on a shooter wants he starts beating you, then wait for the next shooter.
I use $5 base bets. Once I've won over $30, I increase my bets. If I lose $50, I leave or switch tables.
I've had great success with this method of play.
Comments are welcome.
Unknown contributor

Don't Pass Line

Craps Don T Pass Strategy

My buddy and I have been playing a don't pass martingale and been doing very well.
It is so simple to do this, the first time my buddy gets the dice I place a $5 DP if he beats me I'm done with him until he finishes that roll, then when the dice come back around to him for the 2nd time that day i simply place a $10 DP, if he beats me, I wait for him to finish that role, then when he gets the dice for the 3rd time that day I place a $20 DP.
I do this progression till I clear all previous bets plus a $5 winner then start over.
I've never been past the 6TH level, I will go 8 levels if necessary so it takes $1280 bankroll. the bets are as follows: $5, $10, $20, $40, $80, $160, $320, $640 Most people don't have the patients to play this, But I do !!!!!
The key to this, that you can't put a math equation to the human factor that every shooter will have some great rolls and maybe make 8 or 9 passes on that one hot shoot, but to make a one pass eight different times you get the dice, PLEASE, PLEASE !!!!! I've never seen it done.
I've got 3 other buddies that go to the casino with us once in awhile and they have not been able to run me out of eight levels either.
Everybody has a few good rolls and maybe one great roll then they have those set the point and 7 OUT and I'm in HEAVEN cause I'VE cleared and LIFE is GREAT.
I've read several books about the martingale and they hate it, but they play consecutive rolls and I've seen 14 passes by the same shooter then the next time he got the dice GUESS what ?? SET the point 7 OUT HA-HA-HA I clear and start over.
The main key to this is having a team of buddies who will not leave the table till everyone is cleared.
You can't play the guy down at the end of the table in the red hat because he might beat you 2 or 3 times then leave the table so you have no chance to clear the bet on him.
P.S. I don't need LUCK with this style of play just the human factor or dynamics of the game as I call it.

This is probably the fastest way to work a progressive/regressive system.
On the first shooter you would bet $25 on the don't pass with a $50 no 4 or no 10.
If the shooter throws a 7 on the come out, you lose the DP but win the lay bet. The lay bet is your hedge and acts as odds for your DP.
If he makes the point before a 7 out, you lose your DP but still have the lay bet working.
If he sevens out early, you win both bets.
2nd player, $30 on DP, $60 on no 4. Same idea.
3rd player, $40 on DP, $80 on no 4.
4th player, go back to the beginning and start again.
If you win 2 series like this, start your 3rd with a $30 DP and a $60 no 4, then a $40 DP and a $80 no 4, and finally a $50 DP and a $100 no 4.
Some casinos won't allow a $50 no 4 or 10. You may have to put down $40 or $60.
There are many good 'ladder' systems for the pass side using place bets, but for most of them to work and show a consistent profit throughout a session, each player would have to hold the dice a minimum of 15 minutes. It's not going to happen.
You can hedge further by using Larry Freiwald's Super Seven Parlay or make an E.T. bet.
Grafstein variation
This is a variation on GRAFSTEINS.
Wait for the shooter to make 3 to 5 tosses then LAY a number but never the 4 or 10 .They have a habit of showing up on cold tables along with a lot of other crap. Then make a DC bet. This can be reversed make the DC 1st then the LAY.
After the point is set place any 2 box numbers based on most seen repeaters. Give the shooter 3 to 5 tosses take down your place bets and start your LAY BET/DC action.
I have averaged $150. to $400. a day using these 2 methods starting with a $500. buy in.
You have to be attuned to the game and get a feel for the table to be able to decide when to up your LAY BET/DC bet amounts so don't just dive in.
Always at a table with dealers waiting for shooters. Open the table yourself and shoot for as long as you are the only player. When others join the game pass the dice I no longer shoot with other players at the table.

Anyone who has a basic understanding of the game, already is well versed in the true odds of any number being thrown and knows that short term streaks happen all the time. But the astute “don’t side” gambler also does not worry about the short term streaks and knows that in time that the roll frequencies will fall in line with the “laws of probability” that the game is based upon. This approach to winning at craps relies on that probability and will work if patience and discipline is utilized a very high percentage of the time.
The object of this approach is to win $100 per shooter.
All bets will be on the “Don’t Pass Line”.
Each shooter will be given 4 chances against your bet.
A series of bets will be made per shooter starting with a $100 don’t pass bet. If you lose it, then you increase the bet to $200. If that loses, then to $400 and finally to $800. If at any point you win any of these bets, then you will have won all your losses back plus $100 and you begin again with the next shooter. Also included in this series is the fact that the come out roll gives the shooter a chance to win automatically by throwing a seven, (6 ways) or a 11, (2 ways) with only a 2, (1 way) and a 3, (2 ways), that will cause the shooter to lose and you to win. The 12 (1way) is a loser for the shooter, but a push for you. If you lose your bet on the come out, then you increase the wager, but if you win on the come out, then you are done with this shooter since you have already won the $100. You just wait for him to eventually seven out before you begin the series again with the next shooter.
If all the bets in the first series are lost, then you have lost $1500. You stop betting and wait for the shooter to seven out. When the dice pass to the next shooter you begin the next series.
The second series starts with a higher amount bet of $200. The progression is then $300, then $600 and finally $1200. The total loss for this series is $2300. If you get this far in the series you will have lost a total of $1500 plus the $2300 which is $3800. If you win the first bet in this series, then you have recovered $200. If you lose the first bet, but win any of the other bets in this series, then you have only recovered the previous losses plus $100. Also if you win any of the bets in the series, then the following will apply. You still have to contend with the loss from the first series of $1500. You can either go to the beginning of this series, which will allow you to reclaim your losses at a $200 rate or you can go back to the first series which will bring you back to the $100 per shooter rate.
The third series and fourth series stay at the $200, $300, $600, and $1200 rate of progression. I kept it at this rate since the total bankroll needed is $1500 + $2300 + $2300 + $2300 = $8400.
I said at the beginning that there are no sure fire systems that will give you a positive edge and this approach is no different. However, the odds of you losing at this approach are extremely high. It can happen and has happened, but it is rare. There are a couple of gotchas that you need to be concerned with:
1st it can be very dull, especially if a lot of numbers are being thrown by each new shooter before a decision is reached on the established point.
2nd area of concern is when a large number of 7s or 11s are being thrown on the come out roll and the shooter makes 2 passes. This really puts you in the red very quickly and digging yourself out will take a long time of standing at the table.
3rd area of concern is when there is a multiple series of shooters throwing winning 7s or 11 from the come out and then making a couple of good passes of the dice. It might be prudent to just take your losses and find another table. The choice is yours.
I tried this approach for a week on my computer simulator at home before venturing to the casino. A couple of times I got buried in the beginning and had to play forever to get even, but I did get even and was able to then make a profit before cashing out. The other times I was able to just collect and collect very quickly and stopped after I got to $1000 winnings.
In real life I tried this at Foxwoods and played 5 sessions. I was successful all 5 sessions for a total win of $2500. I purposefully stopped when I won from $400 to $600 on each table since I wanted to minimize the time spent at each table. The first time I played, I was down and the progression told me I had to bet $1600 on the don’t pass” which really was nerve wracking. I did win the bet. No one said that it was going to be easy in real life to take a chance using real money that you had to earn. I have since modified the bets to where they are now. The approach is the same no matter what level you wish to play at, it just matters that you are satisfied to win $10 or $25 or $100 per shooter and are willing to risk higher levels of cash for higher levels of wins.
This is really a patient man’s way to gamble on craps and so far it has worked. I will continue to use it until the results are different than what I expect. Donald

In this strategy, there is more than 80% win and less than 20% lose.
If we play say for exaple-20 games( not 20 rolls) their will be about 10 wins and 10 even, net result of 10 wins. Follow the winning horse-7.
Works well for cold, choppy and semi hot tables. When table is Hot or there is a hot roller- don't bet.
here it is-
Bet only on Don't Pass 1 unit( it may be 10,25, 50), if there is 7 on come out roll, don't worry, bet again on DP.
If you bet 25 or more, it helps to throw $2 or 5 on Yo.( to cover 11)
If the shooter wins then you lose that bet, then bet again DP double bet.
If you loose again martingale again on DP, then again one more.
Any time you win then start from 1 unit again.
If you loose 4th time, table is hot, stop here and wait or change table then restart.
More likely a DP will come and you will make all the loss. And on all the DP's you will win 1 unit anyway. And you lose on 7 on come outs. If more than twice 7 comes on come out roll then it may be hedged by a lay bet on 4 or 10 for come out roll ONLY then remove it.
Chances are you will come out as a winner.
I would like to add to my Sure Shot system a caution here-
Sometimes, very very rarely, a shooter will throw and Hits the point( P), then 7,11,7,11,7,7
Now caution here-if we lost P line (we are betting only on DP line) as he made his point, then if we went on Martingaling next bets- it will be disaster.
So. any time a natural comes-any time-we are supposed to start bet again from 1 unit only, on DP.
Other way to avoid this disaster is-if ANY time a natural( 7 or 11) comes, just wait until this shooter passes. Bet on the next shooter.

I have published 3 strategies before on this site. I get few e mails thanking me of the success of these strategies.
There are few questions a good gambler wants to know-
Is it possible to make money in gambling?
Is it possible to win consistently?
What is the trick?
Discipline and money management.
Most gamblers are not money managers nor disciplined, they want to have fun, then they play until they loose.
You are a different player. You don't play for fun but you want to win consistently.
Here is the strategy- this is refinement of my SURE SHOT strategy.
Wait till a point is established.
Then $30, 30 on 6 and 8 and 20 on 5 and 15 on the field.
Also bet on 'no point' for 120 to 200(depending on the point.)
Example- if point is 4, then you bet $200 on NO 4.
After 1- roll remove all the bets.
Wait until the next shooter and repeat the same.
Every roll is paid to you 15- 25 $.
If seven is rolled you are covered.
Only way you can loose is is the shooter hits the point on the first roll.
This may happen occasionally. But you will keep on winning every roll.
You may start small- like $12,12 and 10 and 5 on 6,8, and 5 and Field.
If you think he is a hot roller, after the first roll, remove the NO BETS and keep the others for 2-3 more rolls, then stop.
If you think the shooter is cold one then after 1-2 shots remove the number bets and just keep the NO bet.
e mail me if you have succeed in it, which I wish you do.

I visited Harrah's in St. Louis this weekend. Started at the crap table by 8pm. They have only one table on Island side, smaller table( new) 4 players on each side. This table is about 5' long and 4 feet wide. The sides of the table are bouncy but the floor is as firm as any regular table.
My bank roll was $40 only. I put my sure shot strategy to test. I won consistently. Most players changed but I stayed up to 4 in the am until I was tired before retiring.
I have explained my sure shot system in the strategies on this website. I did a minor change in it. Here is how I played. I made 350$ that night.
I waited until a point was established. Then put $6 on 6 and 8 and $5 in the field. I got paid every roll except when & or 5 is rolled. After one field win I used to either martingale the field or remove the bets. By martingaling once I doubled the money fast.
But the best way is to cover #5 also with $5. It works excellent like this- $12 on 6 and 8, $ 10 on 5 and $5 in the field. After one roll remove all bets, unless the roller is a hot one and leave the bets for one more roll. I use to lose all bets if the shooter threw 7 after the come out roll. Because I did not hedge my bets.
The best refinement of my strategy is- bet $10 on pass and don't pass simultaneously and $1 on #12. Now you cant lose in come out roll. Once the point is established- then put odds DP based on the point. Then 3/4 of the odds place bets on inside # and the Field, except the point. One roll all bets off. This way he Must pay you for every roll. If a 7 is thrown you are covered. Only way in this to loose is- if the shooter makes his point on the first roll.
I had fun with this strategy and walked out a winner.

Here's a VERY simple strategy I call the Win-Plus Play. It requires a $50 bankroll and (if you're lucky) five consecutive Don't decisions.
First bet - $10 DP.
Wait for a decision. If you bet wins parlay the win plus add an additional $10 to it. Your wager will then be $30.
Wait for a decision. If your bet wins again parlay the win plus add an additional $10 once again. This time your wager is $70.
Wait for a decision (notice a trend) parlay and add $10 to the wager. This time your wager is $150.
Wait for a decision. If you win the best thing you could do at this point is take down $300 for a $270 profit and get the hell away from the table. But what the heck. Let's carry this to it's illogical conclusion and make the last two plays of the series. You must won $150. Parlay it plus add $10. You'll have $310 on the DP.
Wait for a decision. If you win parlay the winnings plus add $10 to it. Your total wager at this point will be $620.
Wait for a decision. If you win you'll collect $620. Bring down a total of $1240 for a profit for the series of $1190 - and you did it all with a $50 bankroll and just five consecutive don't decisions.
[email protected]

Don T Pass Bet

This method requires a bankroll much larger than your betting unit because there will be draw downs, but it is easy to come back from the draw downs quickly.
We need to guard against long strings of naturals, so we will hedge against that.
Our goal is to have 1 don't pass and 3,4, or 5 don't come bets up when the 7 comes.
A word about hedging. The purpose of this hedge is to protect you from long strings of naturals, which do happen more often than you might think. Of course, nothing says you won't get a long string of 10s.
One thing I do with hedge bets, if I notice that a number has been absent for a long time I will increase the hedge periodically. For example, if I am betting $1 on the 12 and the 12 has not appeared in 100 rolls I will start betting $2 or $3 on the 12.
To Start:
Lay $60 on the 10.
Bet $7 on the hard 10.
Bet $30 on the Don't Pass
Bet $2 on the 11.
Bet $1 on the 12.
Now the only number that can beat you is 6-4.
If a 2,3, or 12 is rolled next bet on the Don't Pass is same bet.
If an 11 is rolled, replace the $30 on the Don't Pass.
If a 7 is rolled, replace the $30 on the Don't Pass.
If a hard 10 is rolled, lay to win 2X odds on the Don't Pass.
If an easy 10 is rolled, lay to win 2X odds on the Don't Pass and put enough on the Hard 10 to cover the Don't Pass with odds. You are now betting that 10-7-10 will happen before 10-10. I think that is a pretty good bet.
You will get beat by the easy 10 once in a while, but don't panic.
Once the Don't Pass is established, you now switch to the Don't Come.
Bet $15 on the Don't Come. Bet $1 on the 11 and $1 on the 12.
If the 2,3,or 12 hit next bet is same bet.
Keep making $15 Don't Come bets with the $1 11 and $1 12 hedge.
If an existing Don't Come bet is taken off then increase the Don't Come bet size by $5.
Increase for every lost Don't Come bet.
Your goal is to have 1 Don't Pass bet with 3,4, or 5 Don't Come bets.
If the shooter keeps taking off your Don't Come numbers, say you lose 10 of these, then stop betting against this shooter.
Some don't bettors stop betting against a shooter if they lose 2 don't come bets, I think 2 is too small, I will go up to 10 losses or higher. What usually happens if you lose several don't come bets but keep betting against the shooter with a negative progression is that you will have $25 to $50 on 4 or 5 Don't Come bets when the 7 comes. Yes, you will have lost money in the meantime but because you are using a negative progression when the 7 does come you will have the most amount of money on the table.
Every great once in a while a shooter will get red hot and hit dozens of numbers without a 7 out. That is why I set a limit at 10 losses on one shooter.
When the current shooter 7s out we decide how much the next Don't Pass bet will be. If you lost on the previous shooter then use the highest Don't Come bet + $5 as the size for the next Don't Pass bet. If you won money on the previous shooter then the next Don't Pass bet is $30 again.
I have won a LOT of money with this approach. Shooter after shooter you are getting paid on 2,3,4,5,6 bets when the 7 comes.
It takes nerves of steel to play this way. Your in a position a lot of times to keep making bigger bets when you just lost 3 or 4 or 5 in a row. But, anytime I wimped out and didn't continue the shooter 7s out.
Obviously this approach works GREAT on cold, choppy, and warm tables. SUCKS on hot tables. Table selection is important and feeling the table so as to get the heck out of there if the table turns hot is important.
Easier said than done I know, and I often think a table is getting hot and then two rolls later the shooter 7s out.
I would advise that you stand on the side of the table where the crew stand, that way you can reach the Don't Come and Don't Pass yourself. Also, tip the dealers because the rest of the table is going to hate you and you want the dealers on your side.
Very important if you lay odds, add up what you are supposed to be paid on every pay off. Dealers make a lot of mistakes when paying laid odds.
I used to play this strategy laying 2X odds on all the Don't bets but I stopped doing it because there were so many pay off mistakes.
I once took down all my don't bets (which were all backed by 2X odds) and laid them on the Field and said 'color' but the dice were already in the air and the roll was a 9, and a dealer I had been tipping good called it a bet and paid me. That was sweet but I often wondered what would have happened had the roll been an 8. LOL

Pass Don't Pass Craps System